Our Strategic Approach

Every initiative we undertake starts with a deep understanding of our client’s goals. By continuously keeping these objectives at the forefront, we ensure that our efforts are laser-focused on what truly matters.

Our service lines aren’t siloes.

When we embed at a company, nothing happens in isloation. Everything is interconected, with every initative nurturing and bolstering the other. Site heatmaps showing unexpected user journeys? This calls for a messaging check. Certain AdWords keyword outperforming the rest? That’s reason to generate more content on that topic. Interesting organic search data? Well that could be worth a conversation with Sales. And so on.

This interconnected, evolving plan empowers us to stay in lockstep with our clients’ ambitions. Our holistic approach harmoniously integrates various facets of digital marketing – from content creation and SEO to demand generation to visual branding – to foster an ecosystem where each component complements and reinforces the others. Regular check-ins, performance reviews, and communication loops with our clients ensure that we remain on the same page. As our clients’ businesses grow and pivot, we dynamically align our strategies to mirror their evolving needs.

Our Driving Principles

Alignment with Client Objectives:
Every initiative we undertake starts with a deep understanding of our client’s goals. By continuously keeping these objectives at the forefront, we ensure that our efforts are laser-focused on what truly matters.

Adaptive & Resilient:
In an era of rapid digital evolution, stagnation is not an option. We consistently monitor performance data, making swift adjustments to our strategies when needed. This agile mindset allows us to preempt challenges and seize new opportunities, keeping our clients ahead of the curve.

Synergistic Integration:
Each sub-strategy, be it content, SEO, or demand generation, works in harmony with every other. They are interwoven, ensuring that success in one area amplifies results in others.

Positioning & Messaging

To talk to the market and convince it that it needs you, you first have to know who you are. And you need to be able to explain, concisely but with impact, why people should pay for what you’re selling.

Our Goal

By aligning your positioning and messaging with your target audience’s needs and preferences, we aim to enhance brand awareness, increase customer engagement, and drive business growth.

Ultimately, our objective is to help you establish a competitive advantage that leads to long-term success and fosters customer loyalty.

Our Approach

Our collaborative process aligns internal expertise, transfers knowledge, and supports change management, helping your business achieve its objectives.

How do We Measure Positioning & Messaging?

Measuring the success of your Positioning & Messaging involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) tied to brand perception, awareness, and customer engagement.

This will include key metrics such as market share, customer acquisition costs, customer lifetime value, and Net Promoter Score (NPS).

We use data-driven decision support and analytics to continuously evaluate and refine your positioning and messaging strategy, ensuring optimal results and ongoing improvement.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the optimization of a website’s technical aspects to help search engines crawl and index it more effectively. This process involves identifying and addressing technical issues such as broken links, duplicate content, missing metadata, and crawl errors.

Our Goal

The primary goal of technical SEO is to improve a website’s search engine rankings by resolving any technical issues and optimizing its overall structure. Addressing these issues enhances the site’s visibility, crawlability, and indexability, making it easier for search engines to understand and index its content.

Our Approach

Our approach to technical SEO begins with a comprehensive audit using tools such as SEMRush to identify technical issues and analyze website architecture, load time, mobile-friendliness, backlink profile, and structured data markup.

How Do We Measure Technical Seo?

We measure the success of our technical SEO efforts by tracking key performance
indicators such as:

  • Organic traffic
  • Keyword rankings
  • Click-through rate
  • Pageview
  • Time on site

… and more. By monitoring and analyzing these metrics, we can optimize the website’s performance and identify areas for improvement, making necessary adjustments to our technical SEO strategy.

On Page Seo

On-page SEO focuses on optimizing individual web pages to rank higher in search engine results and attract more high-intent traffic. This process involves enhancing both the content and HTML source code of each page.

Our Goal

The primary goal for on-page SEO is to improve search engine rankings and increase organic traffic to specific pages by optimizing the content and HTML source code of these pages.

Our Approach

Our approach to on-page SEO involves establishing the terms and concepts we want to be known as the experts in; conducting keyword research to identify high-intent keywords; analyzing competitor websites to uncover successful strategies; and pursuing the keywords we want to own.

How Do We Measure On-page Seo?

We measure the success of our on-page SEO efforts by monitoring whether we increase traffic to pages where we have optimized for our keywords.

Ideally, we not only increase traffic, but bring a given URL onto page one of Google, and even result one, the SERP snippet, the promised land!

Using analytics tools like Google Analytics, we gather data on these metrics and analyze them to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. By continuously tracking and optimizing our on-page SEO strategy, we ensure the website’s ongoing success in search engine rankings and organic traffic growth.

Regular assessments also help us identify new opportunities for optimization, keeping the site competitive and up-to-date with search engine requirements and user expectations.

Demand Generation

Demand generation is a comprehensive marketing strategy aimed at creating awareness and interest in a company’s products or services, ultimately driving sustainable growth and revenue, particularly in the B2B sector.

Our Goal

Growth is everything, and growth requires generating demand for your product or service.

Our primary goal in our demand generation is to drive sustainable growth and revenue by targeting, reaching, and persuading the right people. We do this by creating tailored campaigns that resonate with target audiences and drive the booking of calls with sales.

Our Approach

We begin by conducting a thorough analysis of your ideal customer profiles, enabling us to craft customized messaging and content that speaks directly to their pain points and objectives. This level of personalization ensures that our marketing efforts have the best chance of success.

How Do We Measure Demand Generation?

Measuring demand generation involves monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) that reflect audience engagement and lead generation success. Primary KPIs, such as Click Through Rate (CTR) and Lead Conversion Rate (LCR), provide insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns in capturing attention and converting leads.

Content Strategy

Content takes many forms: written content; video content; audio content. Decks, landing pages, podcasts, GIFs, whitepapers…

Our Goal

Our goal with content is to deploy assets that help the client meet their business goals. This means looking at their sales funnel and determining the gaps that need to be filled. Sometimes, the company desperately needs broad thought leadership content to establish their authority via organic search. Other times, they need targeted assets to fit certain campaigns. Sometimes, the sales team needs specific one-sheets or decks.

Our Approach

Developing a content strategy begins with a thorough Discovery phase, allowing the team to gain a deep understanding of the client’s business and target audience. We absorb everything, talk to everyone, and understand what content will deliver what the client needs.

How Do We Measure Content Strategy?

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as organic traffic, engagement metrics, and conversion rates provides valuable insights into content performance.

Organic traffic measures the number of visitors from search engines, indicating successful SEO optimization. Engagement metrics, including average time on page, bounce rate, and social shares, helps us understand where our content is and isn’t resonating.

With campaign-related assets calculating ROI is essential to understanding the financial impact of content initiatives relative to their costs, allowing clients to optimize resource allocation and maximize results.

Sales Enablement Content

The bottom of the funnel is critical. Taking warm prospects from very interested to closed is the most important and most high-stakes moment in any customer engagement.

Our Goal

Our goal with sales enablement content is to empower sales teams with content they need to close deals more effectively – whether that is technical documentation, a one-sheet, a deck, a testimonials PDF, or anything else.

Our Approach

Our approach to sales enablement content involves a thorough understanding of the sale process and buyer journey.

Once we understand the client’s funnel and how it operates, we collaborate with multiple stakeholders, including sales, marketing, and product teams, to create relevant and impactful content.

How Do We Measure Success?

Measuring the success of sales enablement content involves several key performance indicators (KPIs). To keep an eye on success, we:

  • Track metrics like close rates, average deal size, and sales cycle length to determine the impact of your sales enablement content on overall sales performance.
  • Monitor which content pieces are frequently utilized by your sales team, indicating their relevance and effectiveness.
  • Measure the level of prospect interaction with your content, such as time spent on specific resources, downloads, or shares, to gauge its value to the target audience.
  • Gather insights from your sales team regarding the usefulness, relevance, and quality of the content provided to them.
  • Analyze the conversion rates at each stage of the buyer journey and assess whether the content has contributed to moving prospects through the sales funnel.

Client Stories

To Series A and Beyond with a Cybersecurity Innovator

"Buttered Toast has been a great partner to us for years. 
They work to deeply understand our

Creating a Company Culture Film to Drive Recruitment

"Video is the most powerful form of content. With minimal direction, Buttered Toast were able to